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Jesse Gray Primary School

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School Council

Our school council is comprised of one representative from each KS1 and KS2 class - everyone’s voice is represented. School Council meet every week to share ideas and action plan.

Our School Council think of ideas to make the school, community and country a better place. Recently we have led fundraising events, planned and updated our school toilets (with a space and under the sea themes) and supported Jesse Gray’s Values Curriculum. 

To be a School Councillor you have to be prepared to represent your class. To be elected, you must share your ideas and explain why you would be a great member of the school council. We enjoyed our elections this year and even had real election badges. Everyone in school had the right to vote and enjoyed being part of the democratic system. 


Pupil Parliament

We are also part of a Pupil Parliament. The Rushcliffe learning Alliance Pupil Parliament (RSAPP) has been established for our children through being part of the Rushcliffe Learning Alliance (RLA).

This is an exciting project which has been established to allow children in our schools to work together and experience democracy for themselves and understand the principals of how parliament works.

Two children from each school sit on the RSAPP. They represent the views of children in their own school at the RSAPP meetings. Each term the agenda is set by children on the RSAPP and shared in all of our schools. The RSAPP meetings are held at County Hall in the Council Chambers and the children get the opportunity to present their views to Local Councillors and make sure that the children of Rushcliffe have an opportunity to have their views heard on issues which are important to them. At each meeting it is established which child takes the role of ‘speaker’.

The representatives from our school feedback and discuss the issues raised at the RSAPP meetings in more depth at our own School Council meetings.