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Jesse Gray Primary School

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House Teams


Everybody at Jesse Gray belongs to a house team. They are…

Inspire     Achieve     Challenge    Enjoy

Every day, the children are work hard to gain house points for their team. These are given out for many reasons such as; trying hard, tidying up, being a good friend, caring for our school, trying something new to eat at lunch time. The children are very proud when they can drop a house point into their team’s collection tube, and know that they are helping their house team towards success!

Each week in our Values assembly, the weekly winners are announced and receive a round of applause for their hard work. At the end of each half term we then reward the winner with a House Team treat and finally, at the end of the year, we find out who the overall House Team winners are who have an extra special end of year treat!

I wonder who will be our next winner?