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Jesse Gray Primary School

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Digital Safety: Do you know what's safe?

We know that there is a lot of useful, exciting and educational stuff on the internet, but there are also dangers on the internet if you do not use it properly.

These are some rules to help you keep safe and get the most out of the internet at school.

  • Only use sites that a member of staff has told you that you may use.
  • Do not use personal pages (facebook or similar), chatrooms, MSN (or other instant messaging services), or personal email addresses on school computers.Never leave your name, school or address on any website.
    Ask before using memory sticks or discs from home.

If you are wondering if something is a good idea, then ask your teacher or don’t do it at all.    


At home, its also important that you stay safe, whether you are searching on google, playing Clash of Clans or Minecraft or watching videos. Check out the websites on the next page to play games and find out more.

The Internet is a real community of people who are connected by computers, so treat people that you don't know on the Internet as strangers that you might meet in a street.

Do not give out any personal information related to your family, friends or yourself likefull names, addresses, telephone or mobile numbers or those of your parents. 

Be aware when choosing your chat username or email username not to pick a provocative name as you would be more likely to be sent provocative emails or harassed online.

Never agree to meet someone whom you've met through the Internet, tell your parent or carer as soon as possible if anyone suggests this and keep the emial/message to show them.

Use your common sense. Someone you are chatting to may not be who they say they are.

Do not fill out forms online without consulting your parents or teachers. 

Do not open an email from someone you do not know as you may download viruses (which even come from people you do know), or it may have contents that can upset you.

Never send pictures of yourself or any other personal material to a friend you met online.  Talk to your parents first. 

Always tell your parents or teachers if you come across stuff on the Internet which makes you feel uncomfortable, or if someone on the Internet harasses you or threatens you.

Never respond to provocative, rude, obscene or threatening messages (whether in chat, newsgroups or message boards) which make you feel uncomfortable. Tell your parents or teachers about such messages and where possible, save a copy of the message to show your parents or teachers.

Always assess the information you read on websites. Just because its on the Internet does not mean that its always truthful information.

Remember that although playing on the internet through a computer, tablet or phone is fun - it can also be addictive and you need to take time out.  Go chat to your parents, play a game with your friends, kick a football around, make up a dance routine, read a book . . . . the list is endless.

 Create some memories that don't involve a screen !