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Jesse Gray Primary School

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School Meals

Welcome to a particularly tasty page of our website!!

Our current Menu and healthy snack list are at the bottom of this page so please scroll down for details.

Our school dinners are provided by Nottinghamshire County Council and are very popular with over 300 children staying each day.

Check out the Notts School Dinners website for menus and  detailed information.

If  you wish to contact them, you can do so by clicking below:




A school meal will cost £2.98 a day/£14.90 a week for pupils in KS2.  Payment should be made in advance.

Payments by ParentPay - https://www.parentpay.com/

All children from Year 3 to Year 6 have a school dinners account - some accounts may have no transactions as they have never had a school dinner. This account must be in credit before a child has a school dinner - every time a child has dinner the cost is deducted from their account.  You can view the balance and all the transactions on this account by logging in to Parent Pay. If the account slips into deficit we will contact you and ask you to add funds to clear the deficit AND to add credit to the account if your child is planning to have school dinners in the future. Payment is to be made in advance and not in arrears. 

Please let us know if your child wishes to change their lunchtime pattern, even if they are in FS2/KS1. This can be done half termly in advance, children cannot switch between sandwiches and school meals during this period.