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Jesse Gray Primary School

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Music Lessons

We currently offer the following instrumental lessons in school for children in Years 3-6:- violin, guitar, cello, double bass, oboe, clarinet, flute, pocket trumpet, trombone, French horn and drums.


The contact details for the teachers are below. Please return all instrumental lesson paperwork/documents directly to the private tutor on their email address provided or register online.


Please be aware that it is school policy that a child can only have 1 instrumental lesson per week during school time.


Teacher Details:-

Strings & Oboe Lessons with Paul Skinner via Inspire Music:- for more information please email: imt@inspireculture.org.uk or paul.skinner@inspireculture.org.uk

Violin Lessons with Cathy Spoors - for more information email Abigail Smith beaglebusker@hotmail.com

Drumming Lessons with Rockley Music - for more information visit: www.rockleymusic.co.uk or email info@rockleymusic.co.uk or nishanchady@gmail.com

Brass Lessons with Phil Reckless:- or more information visit: www.essentiallybrass.co.uk or email phil.reckless.tpt@icloud.com or admin@philrecklessmusic.com

Whiteborough Music Woodwind Lessons with Mike Reckless:- for more information email: admin@whiteboroughmusic.co.uk or mreckless@hotmail.co.uk