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Jesse Gray Primary School

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JGA - Get Involved

Jesse Gray Association (JGA) Parent Teacher Association

How do I get involved?

The JGA is a group completely reliant on time kindly volunteered by parents and carers. 

We’re always looking for new members, ideas and skills that will help us plan new and exciting fundraising activities for our school.

If you can spare an hour once a month, once a term or even just once a year, it all helps to make a big difference.

Please get in touch anytime by:

  • emailing us at jga@ga.jessegray.notts.sch.uk
  • catching a JGA trustee you may know at the school gates
  • get in touch with the year group rep
  • just popping along to our monthly meeting.

We always love to have new people on board. It’s a great way to get to know new faces around the school.  All parents and carers are welcome to attend meetings, nobody is expected to attend every meeting or help on every event.

When we meet

We get together for an hour or so every couple of months, generally focused around events. Details of all meetings are in the school newsletter, and reminders are posted on X (formerly known as Twitter).

Recent Meetings:

JGA Zoom meeting 8pm 6th November 2023

JGA meeting in school 8pm 22nd January 2024

JGA AGM meeting The Refinery 8pm 11th March 2024

JGA Zoom meeting 8pm 20th May 2024

JGA meeting The Refinery 8pm 17th June 2024


Future Meetings: 

JGA meeting in school 8pm 9th September 2024

JGA Zoom meeting 8pm 7th October 2024

JGA Zoom meeting 8pm 18th November 2024

JGA meeting The Refinery 8pm 13th January 2025