Personal, Social, Health and Economics Education
At Jesse Gray, we aim to promote and inspire healthy, independent and responsible members of society, who strive to build resilience in the face of difficulty. To help us achieve this, as a whole school approach, we follow the PSHE Association program of study. We seek to help children build resilience, confidence and self-esteem to successfully manage and cope with their emotions in a variety of situations.
From September 2020, primary schools in England are required to teach Relationships, Social, and Health Education (RSHE) as a compulsory subject and the Department for Education strongly recommends this should also include age-appropriate Sex Education. This is taught in a sensitive and carefully considered way, following a variety of resources and materials (these materials are available to view and discuss with staff should you have any concerns). This area of learning is closely linked with our PSHE and Science curriculum and focuses on giving children the knowledge they need to make informed decisions about their wellbeing, health and relationships. Parents will have the right to request that their child is withdrawn from Sex Education (beyond the national curriculum for Science), but not from Relationships Education.
Our PSHE curriculum has been split into three main areas of teaching (core themes):
- Relationships
- Health and Well-Being
- Living in the Wider World
At Jesse Gray, the intent of our PSHE curriculum is to deliver a comprehensive scheme of learning which is accessible to all, and that will maximise the outcomes for every child.
A Jesse Gray child will leave school with:
- The knowledge, understanding and emotional intelligence to be able to play an active, positive and successful role in today’s diverse society.
- High aspirations, a belief in themselves and a realisation that anything is possible if they put their mind to it.
- An awareness, to an appropriate level, of different factors which will challenge their world and know how to deal with these factors effectively.
- An understanding of how to keep themselves safe, both physically and emotionally.
As PSHE is threaded through our school ethos, it is embedded into all areas of the wider curriculum and provides the children with an enriching array of opportunities through our school vision of ‘Inspire, Achieve, Challenge and Enjoy’.
We will ensure that the curriculum:
- Continually embeds essential skills for personal development through every subject and within every part of school life.
- Debates, discusses and tackles contemporary, and relevant, issues.
- Helps children develop feelings of self-respect, self-esteem, independence, confidence, empathy and pride.
- Helps children to develop positive relationships with others based on mutual respect and understanding of differences.
- Allows children to express their opinions and respect the opinions of others.
- Equip children with the knowledge they need to be able to make choices that promote a healthy lifestyle.
- Provides an environment in which children feel comfortable and confident in which sensitive discussions can take place.
- Prepares children for bodily changes related to growing and changing and ensure they gain an understanding of the importance of health and hygiene.
- Creates a positive culture around differing relationships and how modern families can be described.
- Ensures children know and use the correct vocabulary to describe themselves and their bodies/body parts including genitalia.
- Uses the National Curriculum alongside the EYFS framework.
Jesse Gray will ensure that:
- Children are taught to be fluent in the vocabulary necessary to discuss and debate topics.
- Differences are celebrated through themed days/weeks and assemblies are effectively utilised to promote this to all children.
- Clear links are made to the Computing scheme of work and our focus on safeguarding (children become fluent in the ways in which they can keep themselves and others safe online).
- PSHE is timetabled weekly, with strong cross-curricular links being included across all subjects, allowing children to make connections and apply their skills to other areas of learning.
- Teachers are given ownership and flexibility to plan for PSHE coverage; teaching lessons that are inspiring and challenging for their pupils.
- Quality First Teaching will enable all pupils to make progress with Quality First Teaching being enhanced through appropriate CPD, along with subject monitoring and supportive subject leadership.
We will measure the impact by:
- Monitoring the learning through pupil voice and teacher interviews.
- Monitoring the development of skills, knowledge and vocabulary across year groups. Evidence of progression will also be seen on seesaw, apps, X (formally Twitter) and through teacher monitoring.
- Observing the children confidently discuss PSHE learning during and after lessons and feel empowered to do so.
- Looking at evidence of the children’s work produced in both PSHE and RSE lessons to observe how new skills and knowledge have been learnt and understood.
RSE Curriculum Documents