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Jesse Gray Primary School

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At Jesse Gray Primary school, we understand that the use of computing is an important part of the National Curriculum and is a key skill for everyday life. We have split our computing curriculum into three main areas of teaching: 

  • Computer science – the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work and how to use this knowledge to program
  • Information technology – using digital tools and programmes to design content and create systems
  • Digital literacy – being able to use ICT to express themselves, develop their ideas and participate in the digital world to a suitable level


A Jesse Gray child will leave school with:

✓ The knowledge and skills needed to best prepare for a future shaped by technology;

✓ The ability to be creators of technology, not just consumers;

✓ A secure understanding of the risks of using the internet and social media;

✓ The confidence to use the internet safely to achieve a purpose;

✓ The ability to use a variety of hardware and software confidently, responsibly and purposefully. 


We will implement this through our school vision of ‘Inspire, Achieve, Challenge and Enjoy’ and applying this to our whole curriculum. We will ensure the curriculum:

✓ Has varied and in-depth planning of computing which links to our progression maps;

✓ Has creative, fun and inspiring computing lessons which are linked and sequenced with cross curricular subjects;

✓ Provides specific, weekly timetabled computing sessions to teach stand-alone computing whilst also providing many opportunities for computing to be used across the curriculum in all subjects;

✓ Explicitly teaches computing as part of our STEM curriculum and lessons;

✓ Uses a diverse range of resources to enhance learning such as: a variety of apps on the iPads, Spheros, Beebots and Microbits which are taught progressively through the school;

✓ Uses the National Curriculum alongside the EYFS framework 

The school will ensure:

✓ Pupils are taught to be fluent in the vocabulary necessary to create and evaluate work of themselves and others;

✓ Clear links are made to the PSHE scheme of work and our focus on safeguarding; children become fluent in the ways in which they can keep themselves and others safe online;

✓ Engagement with local businesses & people and initiatives for a particular purpose ensures children understand the relevance of computing and are inspired to pursue careers in computing;

✓ Formative and summative assessment opportunities which enable careful planning of next steps, with consolidation opportunities built into the sequence of learning;

✓ Quality First Teaching will enable all pupils to make progress; if appropriate, pupils who show particular aptitude are encouraged to participate in enhancement activities both within school and wider opportunities within the community; 

✓ Quality First Teaching is enhanced through appropriate CPD and training, along with subject monitoring and supportive subject leadership. 


We will measure the impact by:

✓ Looking at evidence of children’s work through reviewing pupil’s knowledge and skills digitally through assessments;

✓ Monitoring of learning through pupil voice and teacher interviews;

✓ Monitoring the development of skills across year groups and evidence of progression in work produced will be seen on seesaw, apps, X (formally Twitter) and through teacher monitoring;

✓ Pupil’s being able to articulate their learning and know how to use the apps on the iPads with minimal support;

✓ Pupils will be digitally literate, achieving good progress based on prior starting points;

✓ Pupils will be ready to progress to the next stage of their computing learning with a strong foundation of transferrable knowledge;

✓ Pupils will be excited by and engaged with Computing and have a resilient attitude to coding and creation, demonstrating and utilising excellent knowledge of safe behaviours and risks;

✓ Pupils will have competency and flexibility to adapt their method of working to a desired outcome;

✓ Pupils will have made connections within and between subjects and understand relevance to life, culture and the world of work;