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Jesse Gray Primary School

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Roles and Responsibilities

The Role of Governors

The role of Jesse Gray's Governing Body is to be a critical friend to the headteacher.  It does this by providing strategic leadership to the school and ensuring there is accountability for pupil outcomes. The Governing Body has three key functions: 

  • To ensure the school has a clear vision, ethos and strategic direction.
  • Hold the Headteacher to account for the educational performance of the school and its pupils.
  • Oversee the financial performance of the school and make sure the money is well spent. A copy of the Annual Governors Statement is available from the school office.

Individual governors can have  a number of different roles as part of the governing body. Each governor acts as a Link Governor for specific year groups and/or subjects. They work with teachers and subject leads to oversee a particular aspect of the work of the school.  Its a great way for governors to develop a more in depth understanding of a particular aspect of the school and get to know staff and pupils. 

Governor Responsibilities

Governors with specific responsibilities

The following governors are appointed annually by the Governing Board:

The Chair of the Governing Board has overall responsibility to ensure the effective working of the Governing Board. It is a job that involves a great amount of work and sensitivity, not only in chairing meetings but also having an understanding of every area of the school’s life.

The Vice-Chair supports the Chair.

The Training Governor co-ordinates governor training and induction of new governors, and also acts as a link with the LA and other governing bodies.

The Special Educational Needs (SEN) Governor monitors the working of the SEN policy to ensure children on the SEN register are supported as required, and works with the SEN co-ordinator.

The Literacy Governors work with the Head Teacher and the Literacy Achievement Leader to ensure that English learning is running smoothly & top quality throughout the school.

The Numeracy Governor carries out the same function as the literacy governor, but for numeracy [Maths]

The Child Protection [Safeguarding] Governor works alongside the school to monitor and be aware of Child Protection issues.

The Emergency Governor works alongside the school to ensure appropriate emergency procedures are in place and are reviewed annually

A governor is linked to each year group, to visit and take an interest in that class, and be aware of any particular issues on a termly basis

Our current Link Governors are:


Governor  Link

HT Performance Management

Liz Hopkins

Rashmi Patel


Liz Hopkins [CoG]


Liz Hopkins [CoG]

Health and safety

Jane Gill

Safeguarding & Child Protection

Rina Chana


Kelly Harris-Whittle


Kaj Ghattaora                


Kaj Ghattaora




Jane Gill


 Rina Chana

Policy Reviews

Governing Body


Camilla Gilmore


Rina Chana






Art/Arts Mark


Governor Training

Chris Walker

Play Services

Vanessa LLoyd

Emergency  Services

Kelly Harris Whittle

School Council

Camilla Gilmore

Pay Govs

Rashmi Patel [Chair of pay govs]

Year Group

Governor Link


Jane Gill


Camilla Gilmore


Rashmi Patel


Liz Hopkins




Kaj Ghattaora


Kelly Harris – Whittle & Rina Chana